“Where Supply Chain Innovative Ideas and Projects from Different Organizations Meet”

scis 2023 sub eventS

Supply Chain Innovation Summit is an annual event conducted by ISCEA Indonesia to discuss the latest updates on innovation and improvement projects in the supply chain area. We have conducted three consecutive years online and last year we conducted our first offline summit.

Project and Innovation Presentation

This sessions enables ISCEA Graduates to inspire their peers by showcasing the latest improvement and/or project at their company. This session will be conducted every Saturday from May to July 2023.

Keynote Speech and Panel Discussions

The panel discussion with the experts in Supply Chain led by a moderator to discuss recent practice and issues in Supply Chain on the Final Day of SCIS 2023.

Indonesian Supply Chain Awards

Indonesian Supply Chain Awards is the first awarding event by ISCEA Indonesia. There are two nomination Young Supply Chain Professionals and Innovative Supply Chain Manager.

Online Session

Live via Zoom

Every Saturday, 13 May – 1 July 2023 | 13.30 – 15.00 WIB

offline session

Holiday Inn Kemayoran, Jakarta

Saturday, 8 July 2023 | 08.00 – 16.00 WIB

SCIS Final Day

OFFLINE - Holiday Inn Kemayoran Jakarta, 8 July 2023

Saturday, 8 July 2023, 08.00 – 16.00

Holiday Inn Kemayoran, Jakarta Utara: Jl. Griya Utama B No.1, Sunter Agung, Kec. Tj. Priok, Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14350


Purchase your seat through the following process

  1. Visit Supply Chain Innovation Summit 2023 page on ISCEA Indonesia Website and then click purchase the final day ticket or through https://isceaindonesia.com/product-category/event/
  2. Click “Add to Cart” and then “View Cart”.
  3. Check your purchase, apply coupon code (if any), and “Proceed to Checkout”.
  4. Fill the form with your valid data and choose your payment method.
  5. Click “Place Order” and follow the instruction to pay your ticket. 
  6. Check your e-mail regularly for the update of Final Day SCIS 2023.
  7. If you are having difficulty contact our administrator email or whatsapp for further assistance.

08.30 Opening

08.45 Keynote Speech: Integrating Sustainability into Supply Chain by Devina S. Raditya Jap – Director of Environment and Sustainability – Schneider Electric

09.45 Presentation Session I

  • Heru Indrawidjajanto, CSCA, CSCM – PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) – Improve Supply Chain Profitability with Cost to Serve
  • Dr. Hally Hanafiah, CSCA, CPLM, CSCM – President University – Executive Guidance for Supply Chain Digital Transformation to Solve Supply Disprution
  • Michelle, CSCA, CPLM – KPMG – Digital Supply Chain Strategy

10.45 Presentation Session II

  • Reza Bachtiar, CPLM – Telkomsel – Connected Supply Chain with 5G Network Connectivity
  • Ida Yulani Gultom – Waresix
  • Nabil Raja Damanik, CSCM – Segari – E-Grocery Supply Chain and Challenges

13.00 Panel Discussion: Sustainable Supply Chain – From Theory to Practice

  • Prof. I Nyoman Pujawan CSCP, CSCA, CPLM, CSCM (Moderator)
  • Cokorda Gde Dwipa Susila, CPLM – PT Freeport Indonesia (Panelist)
  • Cecilia Lukardi, CSCA, CPLM, CSCM, CSSCP – Diageo Indonesia (Panelist)
  • Irawan Budi Utomo, CPLM, CSCM – Schott Igar Glass (Panelist)

14.15 Certificate Handover

14.30 Indonesian Supply Chain Awards 2023

This schedule is subject to change without prior notification. Please contact us for more update information. 

You will get 6 PDU on your attendance in the Final Day.


Day 1 – 13 May 2023

Sambudi Hamali, CPLM – Lecturer of Bina Nusantara University (BINUS)Analisis Supply Chain Risk pada Perusahaan Importir Bahan Bangunan.
Nugroho Bagus Utomo, CSCA – Procurement Associate Manager of National Consumer Goods CompanyBe a supportive indirect procurement
Ryan Ching – Senior Business Development Manager of SlimstockFrom Planning to Execution: Best Practices for Supply Chain Optimization
Fajar Indra Kurniawan, CSCM – Senior Supply Chain Head of PT Bukit Mega MasabadiSC Transformation for Resin Distribution Company

Day 2 – 20 May 2023

Dr. Shovella Santy Alrosjid, CSCM – COO of OSCM IndonesiaLean Supply Chain Management
Al Taqdir Badari, CSCA – Researcher of Management Department, Bina Nusantara UniversityInovasi Melalui Kolaborasi dan Kokreasi Nilai Menuju Modern Supply Chain yang Unggul dan Kompetitif
Wahyu Kristi Wicaksono, CPLM, CSCM, PMP(SC), LSSGB – Supply Chain Director of PT Tirtakencana Tatawarna (Avian Brands)Have we solved the vehicle routing problem with time windows puzzle: A Strategy.
Taufik Rizkiandi, CPLM, CSCM – Sales Executive of Patra LogistikPeluang Bisnis Logistik Selain Transportasi dan Pergudangan

Day 3 – 27 May 2023

Yohannes Kurniawan, CSCA – Dean School of Information Systems of Bina Nusantara University (BINUS)UX in Supply Chain Management
Ir. Ari Primantara S.T. M.MT, IPM,CSCA,CPLM – Vice President Departemen Pergudangan PT Petrokimia Gresik of PT Petrokimia GresikReducing Fertilizer Holding Cost in Warehouse By Designing Customer Centric Excellence (2CE) System At PT Petrokimia Gresik
Norman Erikson Suli, CPLM – Senior Business Development Manager of Niaga LogisticsPotential used of Blockchain in the Forwarding Business
Inayatulloh. CSCA – Lecturer of Bina Nusantara University (BINUS)Supply Chain and Internet of Thing

Day 4 – 3 June 2023

Darjat Sudrajat, CSCA, CSCM, CPLM – Lecturer of Bina Nusantara University (BINUS)Improving the Performance of Logistics Service Companies through Supply Chain Viability: A Conceptual Model 
Heru Pribadi, MMT, CSCM – Sr. Advisor Agri Business Development of Earthworm FoundationCreating new Route to Market of holticulture product in Riau From Farmers direct to Customers
Erna Kostina, CPLM, CSSCP – Advisory of PT Laju Poda Optima Sustainable Supply Chain Drives Improvement

Day 5 – 10 June 2023

Andri S. Krisnanto, CSCM – Managing Partner of Kris CapitalAn Investment & Supply Chains Perspective on Indonesia Energy Transition Era.
Albert Koto Indardyo, CPLM, CSCM – Head of Supply Chain of PT Buka Mitra Indonesia (Bukalapak)Managing Supply Chain Partnership Using Vested Model
Ghifari Irfaan Swastomo, CSCA – of PT Paragon Technology & InnovationModel Sharing Inventory Untuk Menjaga Stock Availability di Distribution Center
Dewi Safitriani, CSCA – Lecturer of Politeknik Sinar Mas Coal BerauRantai Pasok Pengolahan Biji Kakao Berau Cocoa

Day 6 – 17 June 2023

Ian Gibranata, CSCM – Operations Excellence of Sinar Baja ElectricImplementasi RCCP untuk Menguji Kelayakan Master Production Scheduling
Irfan Afiat, ST, CSCA – Manager of PT Semen TonasaOptimization Overhaul Cement Plant Through Supply Chain Implementation
Femi Yulianti, CPLM – Lecturer of Telkom UniversityThe Role and Coordination of SMEs in Disaster Logistics

Day 7 – 24 June 2023

Ratih Desiana, CPLM – Internal Control of PT Kamadjaja LogisticsOperation in E-Commerce Owned WH
Dr. Akhmad Yunani, S.E., M.T., CSCA – Lecturer of Universitas Telkom


Gautsil Madani, CPLM CSCM – CEO of PT Angkasa Pura LogisticsLayanan Integrasi Kargo Udara di Indonesia Barat
Dr. R.A. Aryanti W. Puspokusumo, BSc, MBM, CPLM – Lecturer of BINUS UniversityEconomies of Scale as trendy Business model (Logistic Perspective)

Day 8 – 1 July 2023

Bambang Krisdwianto, CPLM – Supply Chain Consultant of NTT LtdQuality Management Tools & Techniques
Putu Giri Artha Kusuma, CPLM – Lecturer of Telkom UniversityCoordination of Disaster Logistics Information System Development: A Lesson Learned
Tanty Oktavia, CSCA – Lecturer of Universitas Bina NusantaraAutomation System in Supply Chain

There will be 3 three exclusive main events, unfortunately the access to materials are only available for the attendees on our website.

Keynote Speech

“Integrating Sustainability into Supply Chain” – Devina S. Raditya Jap (Director of Environment and Sustainability – Schneider Electric


Michelle, CSCA, CPLM – Consulting Manager of KPMG Digital Supply Chain Strategy
Ida Yulani Gultom – Business Development Manager of Waresix TBA
Nabil Raja Damanik, CSCM – PPIC Manager of Segari
Segari- E-Grocery supply chain and challenges
Heru Indrawidjajanto, CSCA, CSCM – of PT Semen Indonesia (Persero)
Improve Supply Chain Profitability with Cost to Serve
Dr. Hally Hanafiah, CSCA, CPLM, CSCM – Lecturer of President University
Executive Guidance for SC Digital Transformation to Solve Disprution
Reza Bachtiar, CPLM – Manufacture, Logistic, Transportation Enterprise Solutions of Telkomsel
Connected Supply Chain with 5G Network Connectivity

Panel Discussion

Topics: “Supply Chain Sustainability and Digital Transformation”

Moderator: Prof. Nyoman Pujawan


  • Irawan Budi Utomo, CSCM – PT SCHOTT Igar Glass
  • Cecilia Lukardi, CSCA, CPLM, CSCM, CSSCP – PT DKSH
  • Cokorda Gdw Dwipa Susila, CPLM – PT Freeport Indonesia

Supply Chain Innovation Summit 2023 will be held on May – July 2023, registration as participants will be opened on March 2023.

Online session Every Saturday, 13 May – 1 July 2023 | 13.30 – 15.00 WIB

Offline session in Jakarta | Saturday, 8 July 2023 | 08.00 – 16.00

ISCEA Graduates, Industry Professionals, Academician, Students, Publics. Basically everyone who has interests on getting to know more about latests updates on innovations and improvements project in supply chain area.

The material/slide of the online event will be updated on this page (Tab Speaker List & Slides – Online sessions) while the on the offline event the materials will be distributed on hard copies.

Due to confidentiality, some materials/slides may not be shared.

We are aware of government COVID-19 restrictions. As per now, we are planning to hold the event offline and online further info will be published on our social media.

ISCEA Indonesia is always welcome to anyone who wants to volunteer in our events. 

The recording of the online sessions will be shared on our Youtube after the series of the event completed. You may turn on your notification on our channel for the updates. However, the offline session (final day) is an exclusive session, hence it will not be shared on our Youtube channel so if you are keen to attend the session you are very welcomed.

Due to confidentiality, some part of the videos may not be shared.

The professional development units (PDU) will vary from one to another depending on your involvement in SCIS. The categories are as follows:

  1. Speaker: Contributing as speaker for Supply Chain Innovation Summit will grant you 6 PDUs.
  2. Moderator: Contributing as moderator for Supply Chain Innovation Summit will grant you 6 PDUs.
  3. Participants:
    • Online Session: There has been a change to our policy that will score your attendance respectfully toward your duration of attendance at the event. You are required to attend at least three out of eight sessions of SCIS in order to obtain the certificate. You may find your PDU may vary from one to another starting to 3 PDU.
    • Final Day: You will get extra 6 PDU on your attendance in the Final Day.

You may collect and claim more than one role e.g. participating as speaker and participants will grant you six (6) and three (3) PDU respectively, in total you have collected nine (9) PDU. You may find your certificate on your email/spam. If you have further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us.


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I would like to thank Supply Chain Innovation Summit 2024 collaboration with ISCEA Indonesia. I am very excited to be able to be involved and become my own energy in this event, and I am very happy to have gained knowledge about supply chain from every other perfective and to be able to share it with other participants.

PT. Sanken Indonesia

It is a good event for the Panelists and Moderators, for knowledge sharing, and for everything related to the Supply Chain.

Drajad Wiryawan
Bina Nusantara University

SCIS always brings interesting topics, i always join annually. Hopefully this kind of program would stay exist

Nadya Fajrin Azzahra
PT PGN LNG Indonesia

Excellent Event and thanks for facilitating this event every year.

Sutopo Mangun
Sabah Petroleum

Supply Chain Innovation Summit Through years

Past Event Highlights