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ISCEA Indonesia provides excellent services. We are trusted by customers from various locations, job backgrounds, and career levels.  

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The Certified Supply Chain Manager program is very useful because the SCM material is given in a complete and comprehensive manner with various examples of cases in the field. Highly recommend to practitioners so that they can more holistically understand

Wilson Kosasih, CSCM
Universitas Tarumanagara
Panji Kresno W, CPLM

Materi sertifikasinya menarik dan pemaparan dari trainer nya dari prof Nyoman Pujawan sangat clear dan sesuai dengan ekspektasi. Mungkin bisa ditambahkan video mengenai beberapa chapter mengenai materinya agar lebih membantu materi yang dirasa butuh contoh aplikasinya direal pekerjaanya dan soal practice yang lebih interaktif pemahaman tanya jawab via recording selain dari jawab soal multiple

Fahmi Pratama, CSCA, CPLM
PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu

The training was good, Should I have additional comments, it might be business cases training and group work in accordance with application of the

Achmad Winandianto, CPLM
Refinery Development Master Plan Balikpapan JO

It was a great opportunity to have this course, and curriculum itself contents many strategic focuses, more knowledges, insights, and experiences. It helped us to understand completely about supply chain in term of these matters; strategic, tactical and operations. much obliged to Prof Nyoman Pujawan and ISCEA

Bobby Indra Permana, CSCM
PT Bosch Rexroth
It challenges our knowledge and skills in the supply chain and opens new insights about how it is practiced in a wide variety of other industrial fields. The training went very well, with good training materials and conducted by the instructor who was very expert in their field, so that will provide clear and real

Eko Indra Setiawan, CSCM
PT. Pertamina EP

Sangat baik untuk pengembangan dasar pengetahuan Supply

August Syadzili, CSCA
PT pertamina EP
The training is very good as the program has introducing us with all the terminology related with Supply Chain. The course also supported with greatchain academy platform to allow us review video of each module presented by main tutor of this program. One thing that i think would be great help if greatchain academy platform

Ahmad Buchori, CSCA

Kegiatan yang sangat membangun dan berdampak terhadap pemahaman dan kebaharuan manajemen rantai

Timotius Febry Christian Wahyu Sutrisno, CSCA
Univeristas Ciputra Surabaya

Pelatihan dan Ujian sertifikasi telah dilakukan dengan sangat profesional. Terima

Gita Widi Bhawika, CSCA
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

I think, for people who want to learn more about logistic and update from logistic, this certification is very good and helpful. It provides a good quality module and trainers. We get more theory about logistic and can implement in daily activity in logistic our company. Thanks ISCEA

Dhanis Haryo, CPLM
PT. Buka Mitra Indonesia

Ilmu yang diberikan sangat bermanfaat untuk menambah wawasan dan kompetensi saya.. Semoga dengan Pencapaian Sertifikasi ini dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi perusahaan agar dapat membantu mencapai Visi, Misi dan Tujuan

Kurniawan, CPLM

Sangat bagus program sertifikasi dan pembelajaran khususnya dibidang supply chain

Reza Afrizal, CSCA
PT Saptaindra Sejati

Certification program which taugh by professional mentor (Prof Nyoman) and support by a great team from ISCEA Indonesia. Thanks for the knowledge and insight for Logistics

Yudhitia Nugraha
PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical

Great teacher and the book is very

Widuri Supriatna, CSCM
PT Foodex Inti Ingredients

Very enthusiastic! I want to take part in sustainability certification

Muchammad Fauzi, S.T., M.Log, CSCA
Widyatama University

Kelas yang sangat interaktif, Penjelasan sangat details dan rekan-rekan yang luar biasa. Terima kasih sebanyak-banyak nya untuk semua ilmu yang dibimbingkan selama

Ega Purnamasari, CPLM
Southern Tristar
Dalam era saat ini, gelar atau sertifikasi apapun akan tidak ada arti, apabila tidak diiringi dengan rasa ingin belajar/tahu yang berkelanjutan. Mengambil sertifikasi CSCA ini merupakan bentuk pembelajaran berkelanjutan yang saya lakukan untuk meningkatkan kompetensi diri dalam bidang yang saya minati, yaitu logistics & supply chain management. ISCEA Indonesia selaku penyelenggara workshop, training, dan exam

Kalam Al Jibran, CSCA
Science Hunter Indonesia

Great certification, easy to understand explanation. Thank you

Riska Elia Rante, CPLM
PT Jtech Jasa Pertambangan

Dengan adanya program CSCA dan CSCM ini sangat bermanfaat bagi saya selaku pengusaha dalam penerapan lanjutan supply chain management di perusahaan

Eka Prasetia Afandi, CSCA, CSCM
CV. Sumber Artha Kencana

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