Testimonial Category: CPLM


Excellent certificate program. Logistics management very critical and important to upgrade Supply Chain performance in our company. Recommended training for professional logistics.

Fahmi Atriadi, CPLM

Kata orang “You dont have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”. Nah di ISCEA Indonesia merupakan langkah awal yang pas untuk membangun pondasi pemikiran dan jaringan terkait supply chain. Sukses terus untuk ISCEA Indonesia. Semoga saya bisa berkontribusi juga buat supply chain Indonesia kedepannya.

Hendra Teguh, CPLM

One of the best learning experiences I had, Guidelines given by trainers were excellent. If you want to improve your knowledge and skill about Logistic Management it’s my personal suggestion to join CPLM by ISCEA Indonesia.

Beratingtyas, CPLM

Pengajar yg kompeten dan mudah dipahami dalam penyampaian materi. Fasilitas recording materi pun disediakan baik sekali.

Gilang Ade Perdana, CPLM

Great teacher and good materials to learn for us who work in Logistics. We can be able to combine between current business processes with knowledge from ISCEA, and also a lot of new knowledge that we get generally. Thanks for this experience!

Renaldi Adwika Ilham, CPLM

Very nice training for Logistic Management knowledge, gives you a broad overview of the logistic management.

Yudhitia Nugraha

Certification program which taugh by professional mentor (Prof Nyoman) and support by a great team from ISCEA Indonesia. Thanks for the knowledge and insight for Logistics Management.