Certified Professional in Logistics Management
- Logistics Fundamentals and Strategy
- Logistics Customer Service
- Logistics Network
- Inventory Management
- Warehouse Management
- Transportation Management
- Distribution Management
- Procurement Management
- Reverse Logistics and Sustainability
- Global Logistics
- Logistics Outsourcing
- Logistics Costs Analysis
- Logistics Improvements
- Organization and Leaderships
CPLM certification is right for you if you want to demonstrate deep understanding on the concepts and skills of modern logistics management.
This program is perfect for:
- Professionals working in the broad areas of logistics and supply chain management with working experiences who aspire for an increase in professional value and advancement of future career.
- Organizations that need to equip their team with knowledge and skills required to make strategic changes in the field of logistics and supply chain management.
- Individuals, such as consultants and academics in the field of logistics and supply chain management who wish to demonstrate better knowledge and skills and gain better recognition.
- 2 (two) years of supply chain or related business experience, or
- Bachelor’s degree (or international equivalent).
Modules 1 – 3 | 20% – Questions |
Modules 4 – 8 | 46% – Questions |
Modules 9 – 14 | 34% – Questions |
Duration | 2 x 36 Mins |
Questions | 2 x 30 – Multiple Choice |
Examination | Online From USA |
Passing Criteria | Not Applied |
Language | English |
Duration | 180 Mins |
Questions | 150 – Multiple Choice |
Examination | Online From USA |
Passing Criteria | 70% (105 out of 150) |
Language | English |
Schedule | Last Day of Workshop |
Normal price: USD 1400
Contact us for online class, student rate, group booking, in-house, and available promo.
- 24 classroom hours led by an experienced supply chain management expert.
- Study guide with all slides and exercises.
- Practice exams.
- Final exam (70% minimum pass mark).
- Certificate.
Your credentials with the ISCEA make you an industry expert. Therefore, ISCEA requires that all its certification holders participate in continuing education to keep up with ever changing global supply chain body of knowledge and practice. All ISCEA Certificates need to be renewed every three (3) years.
Professional Development Units : 25 PDU
Application and Renewal Fees : US$ 50
Find more information here.
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What they said ?
Kelas yang sangat interaktif, Penjelasan sangat details dan rekan-rekan yang luar biasa.
Terima kasih sebanyak-banyak nya untuk semua ilmu yang dibimbingkan selama ini
Very comprehensive materials! Both praticality and academical resources are well presented!
Achieving the CPLM Certification made a big impression on me. The learning process is full of challenges because all the material provided is done online and recorded. Prof Nyoman Pujawan has provided very professional guidance and teaching so we have achieved satisfactory results. Thank you to ISCEA Indonesia for giving its best service to the training participants very well.
It’s such a great professional institution with the expert and professional team therein. There is no any regret when joined on their program. I send my gratitude to them for new insights I have gotten
Special thanks to Prof Nyoman Pujawan, Ph.D, CSCP, CSCA for being such a great mentor by sharing, teaching and guiding us throughout this certification program.
Ilmu yang diberikan sangat berarti dan bermanfaat bagi karir saya. Semoga dengan pencapaian seritifikasi internasional ini dapat memberikan kontribusi dan manfaat bagi perusahaan kedepannya.
CPLM program gives me the knowledge and guidance on how to build effective logistic management with optimum service level. Thanks to Prof. Nyoman Pujawen and ISCEA, hope will meet again in other certification programs.
This lesson is good and can be applied to the real logistics world.
Materinya sangat komprehensif dan aplikatif. Pengajarnya sangat menguasai bidangnya dan cara penyampaiannya mudah dimengerti. Menekankan pada pemahaman, bukan hafalan. Tim ISCEA Indonesia sangat professional dan supportive. Terima kasih, ISCEA Indonesia. Kudos!
Certified Professional in Logistics Management ini sangat cocok bagi profesional yang ingin menambah secara holistik wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan baik teoritis dan praktik dalam bidang logistik. Pengalaman saya program ini juga menfasilitasi diskusi mendalam praktik di lapangan, dan senang dapat menjadi bagian dari batch ke-1 CPLM ini.
Pengalaman berharga saat mengikuti sertifikasi CPLM (Certified professional in Logistics Management), sekitar 2 minggu intensif belajar dengan dipandu Prof. nyoman baik secara synchronous maupun asynchronous, workshop yang sangat interaktif dan applicable serta mengikuti perkembangan2 isu global saat ini, sangat keren. Sertifikasi ini sangat berguna bagi saya dalam menambah khasanah keilmuan untuk menunjang pembelajaran kepada mahasiswa khususnya Prodi Teknik Logistik UISI. Alhamdulillah lulus dengan nilai yang sangat bagus 😊
Terima kasih ISCEA Indonesia.
The class was very intense with best modul. Prof Nyoman taught us very well in every class, giving us complete insight about Logistics management. It was a communicative discussions and helped us to achieve good understanding.
Excellent contents and expertly delivered. The knowlegde will definitely be valuable at work. Thank you.
The training material covers a complete spectrum of logistics. Recommended for those who are pursuing a career in logistics.
Thank you for all the knowledge (either in CPLM materials & out of the materials) given by Prof Nyoman and for all the big help from Ms. Nuning. It will be very helpful for me in my jobs as a Logistics & Warehousing professional and for my future career advancement. The learning process is very interactive and effective in exam preparation. Wishing all the best for Prof Nyoman, Ms. Nuning, and all the CPLM batch 1 participants.
Also, it will be very good if there will be a group created to strengthen the networking to all ISCEA certificates holder.
Joining this training, we get complete and in-depth material without reducing the time and weight of the concepts presented. With mastery of knowledge, insight & extraordinary experience, Prof. Nyoman P. was able to provide the participants maximally which was easy to understand and even didn’t hesitate to add time, gave lots of exercises, sample questions and trial exams to make participants better understand the material & program in detail. The CPLM program is very applicable to be applied in any organization & becomes a provision for success for Logistician people.
The learning method is made without reducing work productivity and can be followed anywhere, including the availability of video copies of each subject that make it easier to explore each material. It is an honor & pride for us to be a member of the ISCEA family in this 1st batch CPLM program.
keterangan: saran waktu pembelajaran dimulai jam 19.00 WIB, utk mengakomodasi peserta yg blm tiba di rumah.
Excellent certificate program. The guidance from qualified trainers and experts in their field successfully supported me with the certification. As an academic in logistics and supply chain management, I recommend that you obtain this certification.
What an intensive and insightful class!
This is a program that I would like to suggest anyone interested or have a career in Logistics to join in.
The program will enrich us with the theories and also the real examples of practices in the real world. This will give the added value to us personally and to the company we are working in.
I will surely be joined ISCEA classes for Supply Chain and (if ISCEA Indonesia held) Lean Logistics/Supply Chain programs.
Thank you Prof Nyoman, Bu Nuning, ISCEA team, and all my classmates.
Sudah bagus dan perlu dibuka sertifikasi lainnya.
Pelatihan online disampaikan dg baik serta mudah dipahami. Ujian berlangsung dg baik. Mentor serta staff memberikan support dg baik. Terima kasih.
I liked the mentor, he’s so smart.
Saya bangga sekali mengikuti workshop Certified Professional in Logistics Management (CPLM) Batch 1 by ISCEA Indonesia. Banyak ilmu & manfaat yang diperoleh dan tentunya sangat aplikatif dengan industri tempat saya bekerja
The training was good,
Should I have additional comments, it might be business cases training and group work in accordance with application of the training.
The whole certification process is very clear and I have no problem understanding every step. The instructors were very helpful and clear with their explanations, the administration is well managed. All of my batch members are very sweet and cooperative, I enjoyed every process and and thankful for all the help from ISCEA.
Instruktur memberikan penjelasan dengan sangat baik dikarenakan beliau adalah ahli dibidangnya. Materi dan soal-soal sangat detail untuk persiapan ujian sertifikasi.
Materi sertifikasinya menarik dan pemaparan dari trainer nya dari prof Nyoman Pujawan sangat clear dan sesuai dengan ekspektasi. Mungkin bisa ditambahkan video mengenai beberapa chapter mengenai materinya agar lebih membantu materi yang dirasa butuh contoh aplikasinya direal pekerjaanya dan soal practice yang lebih interaktif pemahaman tanya jawab via recording selain dari jawab soal multiple choice.
Good delivery presentation and modules. Thank you for Prof Nyoman and all ISCEA staff.
Please add topic, Management Risk of Logistic.
Very good organizer for certification specially supply chain and logistic
Pelatihan dan sertifikasi selama proses nya dikemas dengan sangat menyenangkan, meski online tidak mengurangi sedikitpun esensi daripada proses sertifikasi itu sendiri. Penyajian materi, bagaimana contoh penyelesaian permasalahan sangat baik, pemateri benar-benar sangat menguasai dan memang profesional dibidang nya. Sukses terus great chain indonesia dan ISCEA
Saya sangat Bangga bisa lulus di sertifikasi ini dengan mentor yang sangat baik dengan pengalaman yg cukup luas serta tim panitia penyelenggara yang baik serta fast respon dalam menjawab pertanyaan peserta terkait kendala training system online dan semoga CPLM tetap Jaya selalu.
Program pelatihan dan sertifikasi yang sangat baik. Membahas Management Logistik secara menyeluruh, mulai dari hulu sampai ke hilir. Materi disampaikan dengan cara yang sangat mudah untuk dipahami.
With CPLM training has been gave me to more knowledge and strategic how to create better efectiveness in logistic management. Logistic management very crictical and improtant to upgrade SCM performance in our company. Special thanks to Prof Nyoman Pujawan and ISCEA team that sucessfull to deliver this program with very usefull, easy to understand and give relevant sample implementation in actual industires.
CPLM provided me deeper understanding and perspective regarding Logistics Management and equalize between theory and practice.
This program is great, many thanks to the lecturer and ISCEA team for this opportunity.
I wish to join another certification program such as CSCA & CSCM in the future.
Recommended training for profesional logistics
Great certification, thank for all team Iscea Indonesia especially for Prof Nyoman
Ilmu yang diberikan sangat bermanfaat untuk menambah wawasan dan kompetensi saya..
Semoga dengan Pencapaian Sertifikasi ini dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi perusahaan agar dapat membantu mencapai Visi, Misi dan Tujuan Perusahaan.
Full package of services, from the beginning to the very end. It’s rarely got this type of program because not only focusing on theoretical but also latest implementation in the industry. Pak Nyoman delivered the material very well to easy to understand. So proud to become part of this program.
Prof nyoman was quite clear when giving explanation. Hopefully, the knowledge I gained from this CPLM training can be implemented in my job as well.
I am proud for having the International supply chain certificate and CPLM is the investment that I choose to broaden my supply chain knowledge and will upscale my career as a Manager in the role of Supply Chain & Process Excellence. I would recommend ISCEA Indonesia which was giving effective materials and a great Lecturer (Prof. Nyoman Pujawan). Regards, Bambang.K., S.E., Ak., CPLM
I think, for people who want to learn more about logistic and update from logistic, this certification is very good and helpful. It provides a good quality module and trainers.
We get more theory about logistic and can implement in daily activity in logistic our company.
Thanks ISCEA Indonesia!
Certified Professional in Logistics Management (CPLM) ini sangat cocok bagi saya pribadi, menambah wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan baik secara teori dan praktik terkait bidang logistik.
Great certification, easy to understand explanation.
Thank you ISCEA
It was a great experience to join ISCEA program.
Certification program which taugh by professional mentor (Prof Nyoman) and support by a great team from ISCEA Indonesia. Thanks for the knowledge and insight for Logistics Management.
Grat knowledge to impove skill about logistic supply chain.
Very nice training for Logistic Management knowledge, gives you a broad overview of the logistic management.
Great teacher and good materials to learn for us who work in Logistics. We can be able to combine between current business processes with knowledge from ISCEA, and also a lot of new knowledge that we get generally. Thanks for this experience!
Pengajar yg kompeten dan mudah dipahami dalam penyampaian materi.
Fasilitas recording materi pun disediakan baik sekali.
One of the best learning experiences I had, Guidelines given by trainers were excellent. If you want to improve your knowledge and skill about Logistic Management it’s my personal suggestion to join CPLM by ISCEA Indonesia.
Kata orang “You dont have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”. Nah di ISCEA Indonesia merupakan langkah awal yang pas untuk membangun pondasi pemikiran dan jaringan terkait supply chain.
Sukses terus untuk ISCEA Indonesia. Semoga saya bisa berkontribusi juga buat supply chain Indonesia kedepannya.
Excellent certificate program. Logistics management very critical and important to upgrade Supply Chain performance in our company.
Recommended training for professional logistics.
Sangat banyak ilmunya, terima kasih banyak Prof. Nyoman semoga bisa diterapkan dengan maksimal di dunia kerja. Pemaparan Prof. Nyoman juga sangat jelas. Saya ingin memberi sedikit saran mungkin sesinya bisa diperpanjang, satu sesi 3 jam atau 2 jam tapi kelasnya 10 hari karena materinya cukup banyak.
Good & Valuable Certification
Pengajar dan materi pelajaran sangat baik dan praktis.
good class, good presentation, good lecture, all great
interaktif dan sangat informatif
saya merasa berhasil menambah banyak ilmu yg relevan dengan pekerjaan saya
I think the program conducted by ISCEA is very supportive for individuals who want to know the world of logistics in more depth and what activities are related to it, because if we are in the appropriate direction then automatically the results we want to achieve will be easier for us to get.
Sangat bermanfaat dan teraplikasi dalam dunia kerja
happy banget diajari lansung oleh prof nyoman, bisa jadi paham banget mengenai kondisi logistik. penyampaiannya santai tapi menarikkkkkkk banget
Pelatihannya cukup baik, materi yang diberikan bisa bermanfaat dan menambah pengetahuan terutama dibidang logistik sehingga bisa membantu kelancaran pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab saya sebagai pelaksana distribusi di kantor saya
“I recently completed the Certificate Professional in Logistic Management. The program was well-structured, combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications. The instructors were knowledgeable and supportive, fostering an engaging learning environment.
Since earning my certificate, I’ve gained confidence in my skills and noticed significant growth in my career opportunities. I highly recommend this program to anyone looking to enhance their expertise and make a meaningful impact in their field.”