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ISCEA Indonesia provides excellent services. We are trusted by customers from various locations, job backgrounds, and career levels.  

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ISCEA helps students to get certified even before graduating from college. The explanation and the knowledge given are easy to understand. I hope ISCEA can cooperate with logistics campuses in Indonesia.

Muhammad Nur Halim, CSCA
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Logistik Indonesia (STIMLOG)
This CSCA training was very useful for me to increase my knowledge about supply chains, and I was able to implement this training directly where I served as GM supply chain. I will continue to do my best for the company to improve the supply chain process by prioritizing good planning, the goods arrive in

Dimas Adi Pratama, CSCA
PT Petronesia Benimel

Sudah bagus dan perlu dibuka sertifikasi lainnya.

Zainal Arif, CSCM, CPLM

good class, good presentation, good lecture, all great

samuel darwisman

It was a great experience. I learn more about supply chain with expert mentor and get new connections.

Evelyn Sandy Tao A., CSCA
Pertamina University

I’ve gained a lot of knowledge from training because to the thorough supply chain content. I can now more clearly understand the big picture of the supply chain in terms of strategy, tactics, and operations, as well as the financial aspects.

Syukri Syahab, CSCM
PT Daya Cipta Kemasindo

CPLM program gives me the knowledge and guidance on how to build effective logistic management with optimum service level. Thanks to Prof. Nyoman Pujawen and ISCEA, hope will meet again in other certification programs.

Andy Hendrawan, CPLM
PT. Havi Indonesia

happy banget diajari lansung oleh prof nyoman, bisa jadi paham banget mengenai kondisi logistik. penyampaiannya santai tapi menarikkkkkkk banget

Silvi Istiqomah
Telkom University Surabaya

Good program to help us to understand about supply chain management.

Achmad Setiawan, CSCA
PT Freeport Indonesia

Program CSCM ini sangat baik. Mungkin perlu juga bahas tentang study kasus sehingga tidak hanya teori2 dalam SCM saja.

Edward Cesario, CSCM
PT. CS2 Pola Sehat

Good Job, well done

Juliansyah, CPLM
PT Badak NGL

The whole certification process is very clear and I have no problem understanding every step. The instructors were very helpful and clear with their explanations, the administration is well managed. All of my batch members are very sweet and cooperative, I enjoyed every process and and thankful for all the help from ISCEA.

Ir. Tiena Gustina Amran, Ph.D, IPU
Universitas Trisakti

Very useful as a support for work.

Luthfianto Ardian, CSCA
PT. Pupuk Kujang Cikampek

Great place to learn about supply chain management

Deddy Aulia, CSCA
PT. Vale Indonesia Tbk.

The best basic learning supply chain

Riadi, CSCA
PT AKR Corporindo, tbk

This training, especially about the supply chain, is different from the others. I am very satisfied with the methods and also the materials. This gives me a better understanding of the supply chain concept and hope it will have a good impact on the company.

Linda Wahyuningrum, CSCA

Comprehensive Training & Practice align to current business trend 👍👍👍

Taufik Ramdhan, CPSP
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia

Materi SCM yg sangat komplit dan sangat mumpuni untuk trategi SCM yg uptodate. Terimakasih untuk pemateri yg sangat baik dan memuaskan. Sukses selalu buat ISCEA 🙏

Panahatan Aritonang, CSCM
The training is very good as the program has introducing us with all the terminology related with Supply Chain. The course also supported with greatchain academy platform to allow us review video of each module presented by main tutor of this program. One thing that i think would be great help if greatchain academy platform

Ahmad Buchori, CSCA

A good way to improve knowledge and get acknowledged in supply chain discipline. So much insight from the professionals. Very worth it!

William Janaldo, CSCA
PT CS2 Pola Sehat

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