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ISCEA Indonesia provides excellent services. We are trusted by customers from various locations, job backgrounds, and career levels.  

Currently, our graduates are from various institutions. 
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Great training

Ardi Arif, CSCA

The workshop session was very helpful for me to finish the exam with satisfying result.

Ivan Evander Subagyo, CSCM
Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

A great program with an outstanding mentor and people behind it. As an Industrial Engineer, it’s helped me a lot to gain more and more knowledge about the supply chain field in real-world problems and how to face the challenge in front of it.

Ryan Adesta Yudhatama
University of Sebelas Maret

It was good experience and I got so much valuable knowledge about supply chain after took the workshop and the exam

Anya Shafira Pramesti

A great platform to learn and achieve international certification program CSCA. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Yoga Prakastia Wahyudi, CSCA
PT. Dayasa Aria Prima

Setelah mengikuti CSCA itu lebih memahami penyataan baru di dalam supply chain, dan definisi sesuai dengan keilmuan, pengajarannya enak dipahami

Mohammad Cipto Sugiono, CSCA
UPS Tegal

It was a great experience to join ISCEA program.

Norman Aulia, CPLM
PT Masaji Prayasa Cargo

Saya mendapatkan banyak pengetahuan mengenai scm dengan waktu pertemuan yang cukup singkat, dan menambah wawasan yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan sehari hari. Sebuah kebahagiaan bisa lulus dan mendapat titel CSCA.

Saroyo Utomo Winarno, CSCA
PT Pupuk Indonesia
I would like to thank Supply Chain Innovation Summit 2024 collaboration with ISCEA Indonesia. I am very excited to be able to be involved and become my own energy in this event, and I am very happy to have gained knowledge about supply chain from every other perfective and to be able to share it

PT. Sanken Indonesia

CSCA enhances my understanding of supply chain. The topics discussed in CSCA is more comprehensive than the supply chain at my college. Keep up the good work ISCEA!

Naufaldanny Farhan Shiddieq, CSCA
Telkom University

Iscea indonesia adalah provider resmi yang ditunjuk langsung oleh iscea global. Saya sangat berterimakasih sudah dibantu dalam mengikuti sertifikasi yang diberikan iscea. Program university ambassador juga perlu diacungi jempol karena mempermufah dan memberikan kesempatan yang luas bagi mahasiswa untuk mengikuti sertifikasi profesional.

Wira Redi, CSCA
Bina Nusantara

It is a good event for the Panelists and Moderators, for knowledge sharing, and for everything related to the Supply Chain.

Drajad Wiryawan
Bina Nusantara University

CSCA adalah salah satu cara saya untuk mendapatkan pengakuan atas kemampuan saya. ISCEA Indonesia membantu saya untuk itu. Semoga kedepannya semakin baik lagi dan semakin sukses.

Muhammad A Aziz Henditama, CSCA

It’s a good place to learn Supply Chain Management. The instructor very professional on explain the material/course. It’s a dialog, where we can ask anything based on the material of course. Very recommended.

Echo Duardo Hutagalung
PT. Indonesia AirAsia

Kata orang “You dont have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”. Nah di ISCEA Indonesia merupakan langkah awal yang pas untuk membangun pondasi pemikiran dan jaringan terkait supply chain. Sukses terus untuk ISCEA Indonesia. Semoga saya bisa berkontribusi juga buat supply chain Indonesia kedepannya.

Fahmi Atriadi, CPLM
PT Gemilang Sukses Mandiri

The training material covers a complete spectrum of logistics. Recommended for those who are pursuing a career in logistics.

Putu Giri Artha Kusuma, CPLM
Telkom University

ISCEA serve several certification that relate with our work and industry especially CPSP program. ISCEA also have the competent trainers so that guide us to understand context of module and prepare the exam. Thanks to Prof Nyoman and team for your support until we passed the exam.

Ali Kamil, CPSP
PT Adaro Indonesia

The trainer is very friendly and the material is very useful in accordance with the development of science

Putu Eka Dewi Karunia Wati
University of 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya

CPLM provided me deeper understanding and perspective regarding Logistics Management and equalize between theory and practice.

Former Employee of PT. Hurley Indonesia

ISCEA make me get basic knowlegde of Supply Chain in CSCA program. I want learn more spesifically in CSCM program. So I could get upgrade competence About Supply Chain process and apply directly to my job. Special Thanks and proud to my mentor Prof. Nyoman. AVO #GOFIGHTWIN

Ahmad Taufan Oktaf Firma
PT Avo Innovation Technology

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